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Treating Headaches Naturally With Chiropractic Care

Written By Integrity Chiropractic Inc on October 18, 2021


The human body is great at healing itself. The key is working with your body to produce those results. Dr. Rocky Sexton’s favorite condition to treat happens to be headaches because of how chiropractic works with the body and can oftentimes provide instant relief.

Integrity Chiropractic in Beckley offers a natural, well-rounded approach to work with your body to put an end to headaches.

The Chiropractic Approach to Treating Headaches

Studies show that chiropractic is a highly effective method of headache relief. Chiropractic methods reduce the incidences of headaches, provide instant relief, and provide lasting protection by addressing the root cause of why they’re happening in the first place. 

The list of root causes is long, making it worth your while to come see us and spare you the guesswork. Tension is the most common cause. We’ll evaluate your body and lifestyle for likely causes, like poor posture, eye strain, stress, poor sleep, a prescription you take, or even something you eat or drink.

We’ll also evaluate you to determine whether or not your headaches are a symptom of an underlying condition or infection. Conditions can be as simple a fix as correcting dehydration to something as serious as an infection, inflammation, hypertension, stroke or similar.

Instead of drugs, our doctors will provide quality chiropractic care to get you immediate headache relief and follow up with coaching you through lifestyle choices that help protect you from future headaches. 

Get Natural Headache Relief in Beckley

Dr. Rocky Sexton and Dr. Franklin Short are family-oriented practitioners who work with a variety of patients, from infants to elderly. They love interacting with patients and being able to change lives without drugs or surgery. They’re trained in chiropractic, physical therapy, sports medicine, pregnancy chiropractic and more to meet the unique needs of all their patients.

Have questions or need to schedule an appointment? Call us at (304) 252-3333 or fill out our online contact form.

Posted In: Chiropractic Headache Treatment