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5 Myths About Acupuncture

Written By Integrity Chiropractic Inc on March 27, 2023


The fact that acupuncture has been around for over 3000 years and is still in use today is no accident. Even though it’s stood the test of time, there are still many people with reservations about this holistic practice. Our licensed acupuncturists at Integrity Chiropractic in Beckley offer a look at the truth behind five of the biggest myths surrounding acupuncture.

Myth: Acupuncture Doesn’t Work

There’s ample research supporting acupuncture’s ability to help with many health conditions and pain relief, including headaches, anxiety, and depression. In fact, doctors have begun to recommend acupuncture therapy and some insurance companies will cover the cost.

Myth: There’s No Scientific Basis for Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been the focus of thousands of research studies for the past few decades. Research has gone from determining whether acupuncture works to what this ancient practice can legitimately treat. Acupuncture’s focus has been on pain relief, depression, and anxiety. A lot of positive results have been published, leading to further research.

Myth: Acupuncture Is Painful

When the needles are administered correctly, there is no pain. However, if you do feel any pain or discomfort, your acupuncturist can adjust the needle, use a thinner one, or remove it if needed. We strive to make your experience comfortable, relaxing, and healing.

Myth: Acupuncture Is Expensive

Prices vary around the world. At Integrity Chiropractic, we strive to make acupuncture in Beckley affordable. Some health conditions require multiple sessions to produce great results. We’ll work with you to keep cost down and satisfaction up.

Myth: Acupuncture Only Treats Pain

Acupuncture is so much more than a pain management tool. The Mayo Clinic states that acupuncture is most used to help with chemotherapy, fibromyalgia, headaches, and more. Patients also seek out acupuncture in Beckley to help with depression, anxiety, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, and more.

Schedule an Appointment for Acupuncture in Beckley

Integrity Chiropractic Inc serves Beckley, West Virginia with cutting-edge chiropractic services, acupuncture, and massage therapy in our state-of-the-art clinic. We strive to provide a relaxing and enjoyable experience. You can schedule your appointment online or call us at (304) 252-3333 for more information.


Posted In: Chiropractic Acupuncture Health and Wellness